๐Ÿ“Mining guides

1. Quality > quantity

We are focused on rewarding high quality original content

The mining program is for creators, not farmers.

Create content about the given token and tag twitter handle of the given token and tag @tomoon_org in it.

If the @tomoon_org account likes your tweet, it is eligible to earn the given token.

The more views your tweets get, the more token you earn.

2. Content guidelines

Hereโ€™s how you can get a like from the @tomoon_org account


We donโ€™t like every piece of duplicated original content that posted by the token project team.

It has to reach a certain level of quality.

Here are some tipsโ€ฆ

  1. Have a big scope

    Create content that appeals to everyone in the given token community.

  2. Get to the point

    Remove intros and unneeded text

  3. Make people feel an emotion

    Create what makes you light up or laugh

  4. Make your content easy to consume

    Have a clean caption and add engaging audio in videos

  5. Be timely

    Create content about trending stories.


  1. No recycling the same media

  2. No begging for likes and retweets

  3. IRL images should contain the give token logo in it

  4. Do not quote tweet your old posts to boost your views

  5. Do not tag the token project's twitter handle in a tweet that is unrelated to it

  6. Do not write about explicitly farming the given token or speculate on the price of the given token

  7. Do not discriminate, disrespect, use highly offensive language, or include drugs, nudity

  8. Inorganic views from bots, quote tweet spam, asking for rts or likes, ads, etc will be slashed

Last updated