Bridge $ETH to Base
Depending on where your eth is currently located, there are different ways to transfer your eth to the Base network.
$ETH in CEX(binance, okx, coinbase, etc):
Some CEX support withdraw ETH directly to base network(include binance, okx, coinbase etc).
Some CEX do not support withdraw ETH to base network(for example In this case, you need to withdraw money to the arbitrum one network first, and then transfer from the arbitrum one network to the base network.
So the best path: CEX -> Arbitrum one, then use okok network to bridge your $ETH from arbitrum one to base network. OKOK Network is our strategy partner.
$ETH in Ethereum:
option1:, will take about 20 minutes to reach base.
option2:, if the bridge have liquidity,your $ETH should reach base within one minute.
$ETH in Arbitrum One:
use okok network to bridge your $ETH from arbitrum one to base network.
$ETH in other chains:
use, or to bridge.
Last updated